Thursday, July 19, 2012

Take a Teamster vacation (and support other unions, too)

You'd be amazed how easy it is to take a union-made vacation. Here are some  suggestions from Union Plus:
Check out the Union Plus Travel Center—the travel and entertainment section offers exclusive discounts for union members. The website also features hotels, airlines and rail service available in the region you'll be visiting. If you're taking a road trip, make sure it's in a union-made car. See the UAW union-made vehicle list here. To find a union hotel, visit the Hotel Workers Rising guide here. 
If you are headed to a major theme park, many are staffed by union members, including the 36,000 members of 18 unions at the Disney Parks in Anaheim, Calif., and Orlando, Fla. 
Just an FYI -- Mickey Mouse is a Teamster.

Several theme parks offer discounts through Union Plus. Click hereThe Teamsters and AFSCME represent thousands of municipal workers at city and state parks and zoos, including the San Diego Zoo, the Brookfield Zoo and the Cleveland Zoo.

If you take a train to your destination in the U.S. or Canada, a member of the Teamsters rail conference likely got you there. The Teamsters are also one of the biggest airline unions in the U.S., and it's almost impossible to fly without encountering a union member, whether it's your flight crew, ground crew, customer service representative or mechanic.

Thousands of workers in Major League Baseball stadiums are represented by unions—including AFSCME, UNITEHERE!, and SEIU. Thank a Teamster for delivering that cold one during the game.

If you’re going to visit Los Angeles, check out Labor 411, a directory of union hotels, entertainment venues and other union-represented Southern California businesses from the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor.